Our Blog

Welcome to the WA NZIN A GA ZO Blog

Celebrating Success: Marie’s Tailoring Journey

Celebrating Success: Marie’s Tailoring Journey

Marie Dubois shares her inspiring journey from struggling with disability to becoming a successful tailor. Discover how our tailoring program transformed her life and empowered her to start her own business.

Bringing Technology to Remote Schools

Bringing Technology to Remote Schools

Learn about our “Bringing Technology to Physically Challenged Pupils” project, which provides technology access to underserved students in remote areas. This initiative is changing the way children with disabilities learn and engage with education.

Jean’s Basketry Art: From Training to Market

Jean’s Basketry Art: From Training to Market

Jean-Pierre Nzama, a beneficiary of our basketry training program, now sells his beautiful creations internationally. Read about his journey and how WA NZIN A GA ZO helped him achieve his dreams.